Deliver more relevant content through Email Segmentation

Gone were the days where “one size fits all” is applicable, citizens now expect customised experiences! By segmenting your content, you can send personalised emails that are more relevant to them, and can cater to their needs better! For example, serving newlyweds or couples with newborns with the latest articles about the Baby Bonus Scheme or serving the elderly with more digital literacy content. 

Segmentation also increases traffic to your site and ensures that your efforts in crafting the content gets served to the right audience for maximum impact. In a recent study by Mailchimp, segmented campaigns increased opens by 14.31%, increased clicks by 100.95%, decreased bounces by 4.65% and decreased unsubscribes by 9.37%. 
You can segment your emails in multiple ways such as:  Demographic Segmentation:  Based on observable characteristics like age, gender, income, etc Geographic Segmentation: Based on their location like different nations, states etc.  Psychographic Segmentation: Based on their attitudes, lifestyles, values, etc. For example: more health conscious individuals Behavioural Segmentation:  Based on their behavioural characteristics like usage rate, event attendance (opened or clicked through a previous email), occasion, loyalty, etc.  Read more on these 4 bases of segmentation here!

So how can you reach out to your users better? Here are some best practices for you!

1. Create user personas: It is important to understand your users’ different needs, goals and motivations to make better decisions when crafting messages and deciding on which marketing channels to market through. For example, a working adult aged from 18 to 34 years old may have little motivation to exercise due to their working lifestyles and increased screen time, compared to married couples aged above 34 years old who may be more family-oriented and would prefer to exercise with their families.  There would then be 2 user personas based on these characteristics and 2 different marketing strategies.

Example of an user persona
If you would like to learn more about creating user personas, read Survey Monkey’s article here!
2. Collect and analyse behavioural data: Continually collect behavioural data to better understand your users through user feedback surveys, user interview and through customer analytics which gives citizens a chance to periodically update their preferences. For example, one aspect of customer analytics is by analysing which device is being used to view your website. Content can then be customised or segmented from there. For more frequent mobile users, their image size and call to action is increased, meanwhile for desktop users, the larger screen allows for more words.  

With Personalise’s Editor tool, you are able to preview your design according to which device you want your asset to be viewed on. 

Start designing your campaign according to your customer’s preferences here
3) Monitor your segments: Set benchmarks and measure the success of your segments with Personalise’s Report Dashboard where you can view your campaign report. According to Campaign Monitor, Government Agencies should be aiming for a CTR of 2-5% and an average of a 0.1% unsubscribe rate. Therefore, it’s important to try, test & optimise!
4) Be adaptable to a change in segments: Not all segments remain the same. For example, segments based on psychographic characteristics. During the pandemic, 75% of consumers tried a new way to shop and developed new habits like working out more. This form of fluidity in behaviour requires your segments to be continuously edited and adapted to your consumers’ changing needs. For example by refreshing your content every 3 months and constantly reviewing your user feedback to leverage deeper consumer insights!
With Percy, we make the segmentation process easy for you. Check out our tutorial video on how you can segment your users faster here!